Rebuilding a must, Money needed
Aware of the limiting number of maternity and child health centers in Sierra Leone we want to contribute the health system to improve the quality of care with the rebuilding of the maternity and child clinic in Pendembu.
The clinic can become a place of education, where studentmidwives can work and learn. (Dutch, SL or every other country.)
With using the BPEHS guidelines we see the rebuilding center as one of these different forms of performance-based contracted clinics (it will be a combination of a MCHP and a MHC). It will be a centre in which midwives, MCH´s, MCH-aides, are working to improve maternity and child care (MGD 4 and 5) in the region of Kailahun. The clinic is directly related to the CHC in Pendembu (for laboratory) and to the first referral clinic, the government hospital in Kailahun.