Those beautiful Ambulances

A translated interview from the famous Middelkerke-newspaper:
Eric Duhamel, a 71-year-old former naval officer from Westende, has a 8,000 km journey through inhospitable regions ahead. "This is the sixth time I get the lead on an international convoy, but it remains a formidable challenge," says Eric Dehamel. "Before I went with a delegation across the desert to Senegal and Gambia. But still I have to be carefull, because surprises are never far away. Danger lies in a small corner. The adventurous spices such an undertaking, but you must always stay alert."

The next mission takes a lot of supplies and medications, two ambulances for the local hospital. "Our contribution focuses primarily on a project that infant and maternal mortality should reduce. The group consists of six persons and has Pendembu in Sierra Leone as a destination. We drive to Spain, where we cross over to Tangier. After passing through Morocco is a dangerous journey across Mauritania and Mali. Along the way we sleep in tents, small inns and with some luck in a small hotel."

Preparations are already made for several months. The project will cost lots of money and therefore they welcome any support, Eric tells us. "The project may, all together, be estimated at 40,000 euros. The two ambulances we bought second hand stuff and we are full of relief supplies. We can count on a lot of sponsors, but all help is welcome and will,' says Eric.

On the side of the ambulances, the midwifes4mothers logo will appear,accompagnied with the SLMA logo, from the Sierra Leone Midwives Association.

Info: 0496-51.16.85.