A message from Twinsister Betty

Twinsister Betty, our Midwives4mothers projectleader in Sierra Leone, traveled to Pendembu, and reported us about the arrival of the Ambulances.

Dear Twinsisters in Holland,

We just returned from Pendembu and we are pleased to report that the ceremony aroud the arrivel of the Ambulances went very well, with full participation of the entire community.The ceremony was very impressive and with such communty support. I am sure they will also work toward other ventures put in place for the ambuance.
We are going to follow up on what happens next. There is a still a huge work to be done, but I am sure the first step of the team and the ambulances arriving safely has been achieved.
We wish to thank you very much for you hard work in making this happen.

God bless

Read about the Ambulancetrip at Blauwe-Ruis