In the meanwhile in Sierra Leone
Twinsisters from the PENDEMBU-AMBULANCEproject at work. We start in Holland: A Dutch home birth on a farm, a big farmersson was born in the early sunday morning. A nice donation was spontaniously given, when Marianne explaned about the project in Sierra Leone. In the meanwhile, Twinsister Jackie went to Pendembu to meet Sr Dorothy and see the Ambulances. In this picture you see, that Twinsister Jackie became a official resident of Upper Bamara in district Pendembu, her new original SierraLeonese name is Babanya. The transport looks very comfortable:) What a beautiful baby. How coulorful this picture. A whole group of young mothers to be, with Twinsister Sr Dorothy at te side, and take a closer look, becouse in the back you 'l see our Happy Babanya and her daughter both smiling towards the camera.