Today we received foto's and a mail from Sister Antonia.We 'Sisters from Pendembu' are happy to share al nice story's and foto's. ENJOY
Dear Jackie,
Greetings of love and peace. Once again thanks for your tekst-message and thanks too for the reimboursment youre foundation sent. l hope you are doing great likewise everyone in the family, please give them my warm greetings. Say hello to all the midwives especially Franka, Aafke, Marianne, Marleen, and all of them.
Greetings of love and peace. Once again thanks for your tekst-message and thanks too for the reimboursment youre foundation sent. l hope you are doing great likewise everyone in the family, please give them my warm greetings. Say hello to all the midwives especially Franka, Aafke, Marianne, Marleen, and all of them.
have again attached a few pictures for you. l pray you can open them. Because there you can see the PENDEMBU Clinic-building how is it now a day's.
Two pregnant
mothers with myself and the nurse a set of twins lying in 'JACKIE'S WARD' ( Yes we named that ward after you Jacqueline!) the postnatal ward.
Sister Ruth, nurse, Sister
Anthonia with the mother of the twins and the TBA.(Traditional Birth Attender)
Then check up and palpation of a pregnant woman in the consulting room.
Then check up and palpation of a pregnant woman in the consulting room.
l look
forward to receiving the things for the baby's.
l just had a delivery this afternoon. And that is bringing the total number of births since the reopening in January to twentyfour babies that we have delivered.
For the refferal, and using the Ambulance we made three rits
in January.
1/Mrs L. [first pregnancy] severe hypertention in pregnancy. Sectio Cesarean-operation done, and both, mum and child are doing fine.
2/Mrs H. [second pregnancy] ante partum haemorhage, was admitted and bleeding controlled. 3/Mrs M. [sixt pregnancy] Cord prolapse had Sectio Cesarean-operation done and both are ok.
1/Mrs L. [first pregnancy] severe hypertention in pregnancy. Sectio Cesarean-operation done, and both, mum and child are doing fine.
2/Mrs H. [second pregnancy] ante partum haemorhage, was admitted and bleeding controlled. 3/Mrs M. [sixt pregnancy] Cord prolapse had Sectio Cesarean-operation done and both are ok.
Thank you for everything, Bless you all.
Sister Anthonia